We are SO happy to be offering this oil in our webshop. Besides our homemade oils this oil is our favorite! Eva Maria works with in in almost all treatments and Ceremonies.
Behind the product:
This text is translated directly from the webpage of Sard, that is currently producing the oil:
"Behind the development of the Maria Magdalene Oil as we know them today is author and mystic Lars Muhl, who through intense study of the Bible, the apocryphal writings and other sources, has managed to recreate the original oil in close collaboration with Niels Erik Aamand.
The project to produce the Mary Magdalene oil from the original recipe took over a year to complete. The correct composition and exact amount of oils used in the production of a portion of oil was not specified - instead, the writings stated the value of e.g. Myrrha: 30 dinars, Spikenard: 70 dinars, etc. So it became a partially intuitive work, where about 30-50 new samples were made every week to get the original recipe as accurate as possible.
(The Caduceus symbol consists of a magical staff surrounded by two snakes circling the staff. This is also symbolic of the Kundalini serpent and its possibilities.")"
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